MIL-L-16727D (AS)
Sampling Procedures and Tables for
Inspection by Attributes.
Marking for Shipment and Storage
20mm Aircraft Gun, MARK 12 MODs 0, 2,
Bureau of Naval Weapons
and 3, Description, Operation and
OP 1866
20mm Ammunition Link, MARK 2 MOD 1
LD 256043
20mm Link Packaging for 20mm Link MARK 2 MOD 1.
LD 288383
Index to Lists of Inspection Gages for MARK 2
LD 415250
MOD 1 Link.
LD 288830
20mm Ammunition Link MARK 2 MOD 2
20mm Link Packaging For 20mm Link MARK 2 MOD 2
LD 256010
Index to Lists of Inspection Gages For MARK 2
LD 414100
MOD 2 Link.
(Copies of documents required by contractors in connection with
specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring
agency, or as directed by the contracting officer).
Preproduction lot. Unless otherwise specified in the
contract or order, a preproduction lot of links shall be manufactured
using the methods and procedures proposed for the production. The
preproduction lot shall be tested as specified in Section 4 herein and
is for the purpose of determining that, prior to starting production,
the contractor's production methods are capable of yielding items that
comply with the technical requirements of the contract.
For Parts Inquires submit RFQ to Parts Hangar, Inc.
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